Monday, August 7, 2006


a friend of mine recently told me something pretty ironic and fascinating. i was told that when you spell out my surname L-O-U, it rhymes with I Love You.

L-O-U, I Love You

ironic? or just plain weird. to me, it sounds more like I OWE U. haha! ;)
i L O v e U


Anonymous said...

yeh.. and everybody who spell out ur surname owes u..! interesting. hehe

eDmUNdLOu said...

hahaha... aint that cool... time to misuse it now! hehe!

Anonymous said...

okay.. am not gonna spell ur name anymore. hehe. *zip*

eDmUNdLOu said...

hehe... smart move... but if u do... pls tell me k... :D