Friday, August 25, 2006

it was hard earned...!

today is my final day at VIBEScomm. it was one helluva experience of working as a designer in an agency. from late nights on my very first day (till 12.30am!!) to countless jobs to be completed... it was worthwhile!... seriously. learnt a lot from these 4 days. what do clients expect, want and need. also found out how we should do our work, which involves steps that i didnt know. always thought that if a design can be done with Photoshop alone... and let it be. but no, most of the files that will be sent to printers are normally in Illustrator (.AI) files and in CMYK color mode. RGB is normally used for graphics in the Internet. well, VIBES is really interesting, with hyperactive colleagues to PowerMac G5s...! haha! got too excited that i have my own G5 to work on the jobs. haha! many thanks to my Art Director, Kelvin; Copyrighter, Andrew (so happens to be a BBian, my senior of course), Shereen (another senior from BB, she was in Form 6), Boon, Shasha, Victoria and also Shuks. thanks a bunch Shuks for giving me this opportunity, owe u one yeah! in layman's term,


back to reality... yeah, reality bites! back to college!! sigh... well, gonna make full use of my experience now... and prove to... lecturers? (haha!) what i am really capable of! huhhh! ok ok, enough of crapp now. and yeah, gonna help out Jo Ann with the slide show. so... back to reality! *sails away*

R E A L I T Y B I T E S ! !

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