Sunday, March 25, 2007


saturday night... LUNA BAR. late for 3 mins and we were forced to pay cover charge. wheres the leniency in this country?!??! waited for a quite a while for the rest to arrive. Nik, Jo Ann and me were tehre at 9.33pm... cover starts at 9.30pm! dammit... this sure thought me a lesson about punctuality! some shit came up but finally decides to open a bottle and bring 6 buggers in. max is 5 peeps... again... wheres the leniency man! sigh...
during the stay at LUNA...


oh wait... we were conned by the Ampang-ians... Jacque & D'Zul. PKM... suddenly appeared at Luna... not from the lift... from INSIDE!! dammit...! they were there early man! "how could this happen to me??!!??!!?" *LoL*

more shit happened after Luna... we went to Thai Club.. i dont know why, but i found myself walking there from Luna. my lobster was not feeling well... and wanted to let out. so... i sat her down somehwere outside by the bar as i couldnt find the damn washroom and it was freaking packed! a not so auspicious moment for me there. she finally let out at a nearby cheap ass hotel. went in to Thai, upstairs. pole dancers, bengs, lians & weird people. i felt out of place for God's sake!! another shit happened there. we were literally storming out of the club... only after my sis had 2 tequila shots by herself! hmmmph! then, we were downstairs.

i was pissed... pissed off by someone! not happy!

couldnt give a fuck and left for A&W PJ. that put a smile on my face. niceeeeeeeeeee...! headed home after that. overall, it was good... for the beginning and the ending... well, i guess shit does happen and all good things come to an end.

A D I O S S A T U R D A Y ! !

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